Finding my way into Zen meditation as a life practice

Practical Zen

Practical Zen by Julian Daizan Skinner is just what I needed in a book, and it arrived just at time in my life when I was getting messages that starting a quiet, meditative practice could be useful for me. 

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A selection of podcasts I recommend for readers looking to find out more about what influences our work. Discussions on bodywork and movement practices, acupuncture and Chinese medicine, biomechanics, neurology and exercise.

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About how you might know when you are ovulating, and mittelschmerz- the pain experienced by some women mid cycle when they ovulate.

It can be kind of surprising to learn that there are major changes that go completely undetected by your senses. Ovulation does not have to be one of them.  And for some women, ovulation is impossible to ignore.

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Statement of intent for our blog development.

I have been recently inspired by certain other blogging writers of considerably greater experience who I have learned a lot from, and who have been quite successful in their way to change how i approach this blogging melarky.

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